Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brian Wilson Raps?!?

Apparently so.
"My name is Brian/and I'm the man./I write hit songs/with a wave of my hand."
This is just so incredibly strange. From the manic giggle at the beginning to the awkward clips of various Beach Boys tracks, it's just...wrong. Although I have to say there was one portion that sounded a bit like the Beastie Boys. Who knew?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Infinite Photo

This is ker-azy!
On the National Geographic website, they have an "infinite photo" of the National Parks consisting of images like the one above.
Click on the main image to zoom in and find it is made up of tons of smaller images.
Zoom in again to find that thoseimages are also made of smaller ones.
I think the gorgeous shots of the parks are a perfect showcase for this technique.
Check it out!

PS. Tooling around the NatGeo website led me to a selection of vintage parks posters. They sell these in postcard forms at the national parks and I think they're awesome. The one below of the Grand Canyon is pasted into my scrapbook from my first trip there.

And here are a couple other good ones: