Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jason Miller Antler Lights

What could be a more appropriate design trend for me to report on than light fixtures made from antlers?
Jason Miller makes great ones. I waaaant!

Brandon Thomas Baunach over at Design Crack had it right when he wrote "one of my favorite uses of antlers is chandeliers. Why? They create beautiful shadows." But I have to say, I am also seriously diggin that awesome table lamp. If I had an extra $270 hanging around I'd snap it up good.


I had the pleasure of watching this wonderful film last night for the first time.

It was funny, smart, and touching all at once. I can't believe it was made in 1950, it seems so far ahead of its time. James Stewart was nominated for an Oscar for his role, and Josephine Hull won one for hers.
Speaking of Josephine Hull, I couldn't help noticing that she looks exactly like Rip Torn in drag.

Apparently they're not related, but the resemblance is spooky, though I couldn't find any pictures that really do it justice. Take a peek at the clip above and see if you agree.
I want a copy of the portrait Elwood has done of him and Harvey!

I liked this quote in particular: "Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

Temporary Secretary

Would you ever believe this is by Paul McCartney?!? Very strange. I want to hear this in a DJ set.
I've been on a total Beatles solo career kick started with getting Oh Yoko!, one of my favorite songs ever, stuck in my head.

Then I moved on to What is Life...

I'm just missing Ringo. Any suggestions?!?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Standing Cat!

Now here is a wonderful example of the right choice of music making all the difference in an otherwise somewhat lackluster video. The original just has the standard retarded rustling noises in the background but this version is absolute edge-of-your-seat amazing.
Found on the "answer to my dreams" website Kitteh Roulette.

A Peace Treaty Jewelry

A Peace Treaty is an accessories line co-founded by a Pakistani Muslim and a Libyan Jew to employ skilled artisans in areas of strife and to make their products available and appealing to a wide international audience.
This season one of their three collections is gold-plated bronze jewelry in bold geometric shapes made by Kurdish artisans. I really love this necklace in particular:

At $170, it's not exactly within my budget, but maybe for a special occasion!
They also make scarves. Go check it out!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Vollis Simpson

The NY Times recently ran an article called "Vollis Simpson: Junkyard Poet of Whirligigs." It's about a 91-year-old outsider artist and former farm equipment repairman in North Carolina who creates huge, fanciful and dynamic pieces from junkyard scrap. I was particularly drawn by a quote in the article from Rebecca Alban Hoffberger, "a Maryland philanthropist and consultant to nonprofits" who opened the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. She says of Simpson, “He’s delighted with attention, but he doesn’t need it…my favorite artists don’t watch themselves being artists.”
My favorite artists don't watch themselves being artists.
What an interesting little phrase. Some of my favorite artists decidedly do "watch themselves being artists" (Whistler comes to mind). If you're not watching yourself being an artist--i.e. if you're unaware of your artistic identity, or don't particularly identify your work as 'art'--then are you really an artist?
Food for thought.

Dewy Sleeping Insects

Check out this article on the Daily Mail about an amateur photographer who seeks out sleeping insects in the early morning hours, then photographs them up close while they are still covered in morning dew. The insects look like beautiful jewels. What a great idea...wonder how he came up with it?

Gia Coppola Strikes Again

I enjoyed this short that Gia Coppola (Sofia's niece) made for Opening Ceremony starring Kirsten Dunst and Jason Schwartzman.
Now she has made a film starring The Like to promote Zac Posen for Target.

The collection is available starting April 25.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Ever wanted to search for a particular type of restaurant, bar, or store but couldn't come up with the words to make Google cooperate?
Here's your solution. Try it out!
Also, speaking of search engines, try typing "where is Chuck Norris" into Google and click "I'm feeling lucky."

What the...?

You might be wondering what the heck is going in these photos.
This photographer lives in San Francisco and took these shots of the hilly streets there, but tilted to flatten them!
A new perspective on one of my favorite cities :)